
Fatum, Dark Myths character creator deck

Created by Fatum Dark Myths - Last Call for Backers!

New beautiful illustrated deck for Fatum. Create your character in noir, modern, futuristic and alternatives role playing games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Masquerade Tarot & Eastern Winds Coming soon to Kickstarter!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 09:58:30 PM

Yes we did it!

Greetings dear friends! It's been a while since we last talked, we've been working hard here in the Fatum Studio engine room, because as you told us in the last project, you want more. And of course here we are! presenting to you the New Masquerade Tarot!

Masquerade Tarot KS Prelaunch page!<-- Subscribe here to get notified!

But wait... is it a classic Tarot deck and not a Fatum line product?

Yes and No! We always had in our minds the dream to create a unique, custom and original Tarot, and of course the success of our previous KS has allowed us to embark on the creative adventure of giving life to this exclusive deck. 

Masquerade Tarots a tarot deck of 78 cards: 22 major and 56 minor arcana with exclusive arts with erotic and mystical touches, following the meaning and numbering of the classic tarot, but at the same time, we are loyal to our Fatum line origins and it comes with a new system to create romances, secrets and other details for your role-playing games, novels and scripts. The book (included in the Bauta, Gnana and Doctore pledges) includes rules and tables with which you can randomly add incentives to your characters and stories. 

We are totally sure that you are going to love the stories, adventures and romances that you are going to be able to create for your characters!

 But wait, this is one or two campaigns? 

We know that launching a kickstarter entails the commitment of many months of work, dedication, effort, and that compromises the ability to launch more content at the same time. That is why we have decided to launch our new material for the Fatum line in the same campaign!  You will have the possibility to add Eastern Winds to your pledge as an add-on.

Eastern Winds will help you in the creation of your stories set in feudal Japan with fantastic touches. Fully compatible with all previous Fatum material.           

If you order Oriental winds together with Masquerade tarot you can combine shipping costs, receiving both products at the same time with less cost.

But Wait Wait Wait...did it fit....?


That's all we can share with you by now, we would be very grateful if you show us your support and subscribe to the page to receive the notice when the campaign is launched:

Masquerade Tarot KS Prelaunch page!

With your support we can do great things again! Until then, best wishes for all of you and best regards from Fatum Studio Team!

Dark Myths Fullfillment finished, Thank you! Next Project ongoing!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 03:51:43 AM

Hello Everyone!

It's been a year since we started this second Kickstarter campaign, and at this point all the critical checkpoint of the fullfillment are finished. We have fullfilled 2054 orders, from 4 differents warehouses around the world. It has been a gigantic project for us, with a much more complicated logistics architecture than the first project. We have had some incidents, but fortunately we can say that they have been less than 1.5% of the total.

We are also finishing work on the Fatum Android app, soon the first expansions for it will be available! We hope it will be sometime between April and May.

We cannot describe how happy we are to have overcome this challenge in a year. Especially in a year as complicated as this 2021 showed for all of us.

And of course we want to thank you for the trust you have had in us, this gives us energy to continue with new things.....yes! new things!

We are working on a classic Tarot deck,  we are taking special care in the design, so that it continues the line that Fatum has started. It will be beautifully illustrated again by Esther Sanz. In addition to being a fully functional Tarot deck on its own, it will have a system to assist in the creation of relationship plots for our role-playing characters. As always in Fatum we want to mantain the focus on creating role-playing aids for you.

As we said, it has been a pleasure to share this second journey with all of you, and it will be an honour that you follow us on all the new lands we are going to discover together! ;)

Until we meet again!

Post campaign update Nº15 - Shipping status upgrade! Commissions Status and Card Frames Guide! ;)
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Feb 06, 2022 at 11:59:52 PM

Hello everyone!

Hello dears Backers, day after day and little by little all of you are receiving Fatum in your homes, this is the more exciting part of the proyect for us, because we can share your thoughts about the final result. Believe us that your words are making us very happy, and giving redoubled encouragement to continue with more things!

Now, getting into the business first we are going to give you a small update on the status of the orders fulfillment:

  • EU Fullfilment: Every order have been fulfilled! ;)
  • Australian Fulfillment: Every order have been fulfilled! ;)
  • USA Fulfillment: Shipping is underway! Some orders are having heavy delays cause of the weather storms that are happening.
  • Canada Fulfillment: Transportation of Goods from U.S.A to Canada Warehouse is on the way!
  • Rest of World: Every order have been fulfilled! ;)

Commission Cards

About new commission cards, well....they last only 2 days! You have left us speechless! We only could say THANKS! Now we are putting all the effort working to make new awesome illustrations for them according to the commissioners requeriments! :)


  • By popular demand we uploaded a small visual guide on how we can differentiate the cards of one expansion with those of another:

But.....this guide reveals a small design flaw that we missed. The Background cards in the Dark Myths box all have the same frame as the Gothic Punk expansion. Only the cards from the commissioners have the frame that they should... we apologize! It will help everyone to know that there are only two Brackground cards in the Gothic Punk expansion, so when you order your cards it will be easy to know where they should go.

  • We also attach the visual guide on how to insert and  the content. Many of you tell are commenting us if the empty space on the bottom right is for a possible third deck. The reality is that it is a slot designed to store the playmats, because if you use sleeves for the cards of Fatum Fantasy and Dark Myths, the playmat will not fit inside the box anymore. 
  • We are also sharing a card list of the cards included in the expansion booster, to help you all to identify each card. 

We are now approaching to the end of the road, Canadian goods are on their way and if everything continues without delays, we could start sending rewards in the next weeks. It's all for now, we read in the next update!

Post campaign update Nº14 - Shipping status upgrade! New Fatum commissions! ;)
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 07:12:20 PM

Hello everybody!

We knew that many of you wanted to know how things are going. These last few weeks have been very busy and with a lot of work, but the team is happy because a phase as critical as this one, in which we send you the rewards, is going as well as we could dream of.

We give you a small update on the status of the orders fulfillment:

  •  EU Fullfilment: Every order have went out from our Warehouse! Yeah! ;)
  •  Australian Fulfillment: Every order have been fulfilled! ;)
  •  USA Fulfillment: Backers started to receive notifications of their shipments during this week, we have notifications of first backers receiving their rewards!
  •  Canada Fulfillment: Once Gamerati ends with the USA fulfillment, they will send Canada rewards to PNP logistic, responsible of Canadian distribution. We still have to wait a couple of weeks prior to Fulfillment beggining.
  •  Rest of World: We have finished this friday with the last order, rewards are flying right now to their new homes!

Last couple of weeks have been so hard for us here in Madrid, all the rewards from EU and Rest of World zones have been manually made by our Fatum Studio team here, a really tought work for our small team, but doing it that way, we have been completely sure that the packages left with all the care and attention they deserved.

UK shipments ready to ship

 Get your own custom Fatum card. 

Would you like to have your character among your collection of fatum cards? Maybe make an original gift for a friend?  Do you have any special moment, or NPC in your setting worthed to be immortalized and to be used in your Fatum draws? Now You can commission us a card and choose the category (character, background, bound, event, place or race). Even choose the single or double card option.

We are opening slots by Tomorrow 30th of January at 06:00PM  Spanish time GMT+1 (or 10:00AM US West Coast time), it will be opened until end of February. You could reserve your slot through our WebStore: 

You will receive:

  • The Commissioned digital artwork.
  • 6 printed copies of originals fatum cards with your commissioned artwork on them, one of them signed by our main artist Esther Sanz. This card will be fully compatible with fatum system.
  • PDF Hi-Res file so you can print it for personal use.

 * These cards will not be include on any future Fatum decks or Fatum Expansions, they are only for you!

Only 12 slots will be available!
Simple card (150€) :artwork fills the whole card. Only a character, event or place.
Double-card (200€): A character, place, or event on each half of the card, or a couple that fills the whole card.

The delivery date will be negotiated personally.

A brief farewell

We hope to make a lot of progress in shipments for our American backers these days, and believe us that we are squeezing every possibility to make the cargo bound for Canada leaves as soon as possible. To all of you who have already received the rewards, we hope that we have fulfilled your expectations, we have done everything on our part for it. Believe us when we say that the comments and messages you are leaving us fill our hearts with energy and enthusiasm to continue working!

Post campaign update Nº13 - 2022 Logistic status update! ;)
about 3 years ago – Thu, Jan 06, 2022 at 11:07:48 PM

Hello Everyone! Fatum Studio team wish you all a Happy new Year!!

We have some news to share with you regarding the international fullfillment hubs!

Now the great days of Christmas bulk shipping and overload are passing and the road is clearing in front of us. As we told you before the Christmas eve days, we were delaying the process of shipping and receiving until the critical days pass, so we all could be again at home and ready to receive the rewards. We think that we choose the right path, and we have some great news regarding all of our international hubs.

  •  Spain (EU Hub) - We have the cargo inside the Warehouse! Rewards arrived past 5th of January, we are making the final preparations (distribution lists, clients excels, etc) so we could start sending rewards for our EU and Rest of World backers the next week. This process will last some weeks, so you should receive an email in the next weeks with the shipping tracking info.

  •  Sydney (Australia Hub) - Rewards are inside Aetherworks warehouse, preparations are ready, and during the next week they should start sending the rewards to our Australian and New Zealand backers! ;) stay tuned to your emails!

  •  Washington (USA hub) - They should receive the "crossed pallet" tomorrow 7th of January, customs are already cleared. For our part we have to start preparing the distribution lists to get every order ready for shipping. For Gamerati part, we have to wait until they clear the queue of reamaining Fullfillments projects. We should update you with info of when we are going to start during the next week. 

  •  Toronto (Canada Hub) - When Gamerati confirm us they have the missing pallet, we are going to prepare ASAP the shipping of the Pallet from Washington to Toronto at PNP Logistic. They should be ready to start sending in about 2 weeks after USA shipping start.

REMEMBER - Shipping address is locked since December, but we are not going to be able to modify from now on!

We also want to share with yo some photos of the receiving of pallets from our Spain team at Madrid, you could see the extra care that we have took to protect the rewards ;)

That's all for now, stay safe, and stay tuned to your emails!