Created by Fatum Dark Myths - Last Call for Backers!
New beautiful illustrated deck for Fatum. Create your character in noir, modern, futuristic and alternatives role playing games.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Secret Stretch-Goal reached and New Fatum art revealed
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 12:46:46 AM
Hello dear backers!
We are so close to the next stretch goal, we believe It is a great addition to all levels of pledge to have the free digital P&P version of all included decks and Expansions boosters. but meanwhile we have a surprise for all of you, you have achieved a secret stretch-goal!
We know that the voice of demons and that of Cthulhu can only be heard by a select few ... but oh! poor of us, his humblest servants! Our task and mission cannot be other than to make its echoes and whispers reach all corners of this world, and that all people finally understand its meaning!
With just a significative number of backers reached, we will upload a Multilingual PDF version of the new rulebook for Dark Myths. This time we are collaborating with traductors from those countries in order to achieve a more accurate and readable translation of the ruleset. Also a new revised version of the Fatum fantasy deck will be uploaded too.
First sample of the new art of Esther Sanz
As a goodie, resuming our previous Kickstarter modus, we are going to share with all of you some new cards in every update we upload!
It's all for now! More tomorrow!
Another Stretch Goal Down - Free PDFs and First Backers rewards
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 04:41:09 PM
Good morning for everyone!
We woke up, and as expected you have put us to work tonight and we have prepared the new images of the Stretch goal that has been overcomed.
Now you can add to your Pledge a Expansion booster that inlude 4 of each type to allow your own customization of Fatum. Even the new personalty cards will include 4 Blank cards that will allow to include your owns!
And there appears the new one!
We believe that many of you have been waiting for it, if we break the next one, each Pledge will include a free PDF version of each of the decks and Expansion boosters.
Loyal Backers reward!
Some of you have asked us if the original backers have any kind of gift for having participated in our first campaign.
As you can see, this time, we have focused the reduced price of the Early birds on the Collectors boxes, for the simple fact that to make them efficient in cost / production we need to get a good amount of Collectors boxes. This box includes the special card "Legendary Hero" as an exclusive component, being a payment element for the rest of Tiers, but you, our most loyal Backers, will receive it as a gift just by supporting us with the most basic tier. So just by buying a box of Dark Myths, if you are a backer who participated in our first project, you will receive with your pledge your own copy of the "Legendary hero" special gold card.
Thats all for now!!
Stretch goals - Great news for Canada! and a little mistake!
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 08:16:13 AM
We are speechless
Not even in our best screenings had we dreamed of such a groundbreaking start!
We will never stop saying these words: "we have the best Kickstarter community a creator could dream of".
More than 480 dreamers are travelling with us right now. We are currently working on preparing the images for the next Stretch Goals, because we did not imagine that they were going to fall down so fast ^^ U
But before announcing it, we have a very important message!! With the rush of launching we had forgotten to update a last minute news...
Canadian backers will be able to enjoy the friendly shipping service ^^
We collaborate with a local Fullfillment to ship from Canada and thus allow us to avoid paperwork or customs hassles to our Canadian backers.
In addition, we are trying to get this same service for our Australian partners, we will notify you of the news as soon as we have them!
Of course we are revealing the new Stretch goal, this time will be a new purchasable add-on. A booster pack of blank cards, 4 cards of each type including 4 of the new "Personality" type cards, with a total of 28 Cards with a very adjusted price.
We also have to told about a little error we had this time, we have written in our Pledges and in the project page that the Dark Myths deck will have 88 cards, but in the card list there are only 74 cards listed! Do not worry, you had to add the 10 Comissionned Cards, 1 Guide card with the list of names, and the 3 cards that have been unlocked trought the Stretch Goals. Yes...It was our fault, we should not have counted them in the total of cards, but we totally missed it!
Thats all for today! Once again, thank you so much for your incredible support in this first day!
See ya tomorrow!
Project funded!!
almost 4 years ago
– Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 07:25:54 PM
No words needed!
Just a message, for all of you, we would not be here without you, and you are the best companions to walk this path!