
Fatum, Dark Myths character creator deck

Created by Fatum Dark Myths - Last Call for Backers!

New beautiful illustrated deck for Fatum. Create your character in noir, modern, futuristic and alternatives role playing games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick reminder note about Backerkit with Card art bonus ;)
over 3 years ago – Wed, May 12, 2021 at 02:38:59 AM

Bodyguard / Protégé card. Included in Epic Paths Expansion.

Hello everyone, we wish you are having a great weekend.

Things are going great on the Pledge Manager side. We have about 85% of backers with their orders ready to go on the next phase. This is just a quick reminder for all of remaining backers:

Quick Schedule:

1) 31th May: Orders' locking

2) 7th June: Credit Cards charge

3) Locking shipping addresses: October 2021

Once we reach the locking order's date, we will unable to modify your orders, not beign able to add any rewards to it!

We are working hard to get the Rulebook ready soon, we have the Spanish and English versions ready, and waiting for the translation of French, Italian and Geman versions of it, once we get the pack we will upload on both the Campaign site and on the Backerkit Download platform ;) 

As a bonus, we are getting a full Annex on each rulebook, with all the Card of all Cores and Expansions tranlated in English/Spanish/French/Italian and German respectively.

Have a great Sunday!!

Dark Myths Foil card clarification!
over 3 years ago – Tue, May 04, 2021 at 04:56:59 AM

Hello Everyone!!

We released this mini-update just to clarify an issue that has cast doubts on many of you!  

The choice in Backerkit of the Foil card from Dark Myths among the 3 options!  

We clarify that it is not that you can choose between 3 different cards to add to your deck! The survey will help us to choose from among these 3 options to draw the new card that will be included in each deck! 

This new extra card come from an unlocked Stretch-goal that was explained here :  Update 12 - 13/04/2021 

We are deeply sorry if we have made you doubt, or we have confused you, it was not our intention! We hope it is clearer now!

As information, things are very smooth in the Pledge-manager, and the incidents are very exceptional. After these first days, we have made 76% of the orders, a brutal percentage! Your participation is being very good, and having the orders so advanced helps us in the task of planning factory orders ^^

Once again, thank you very much for everything and we will read you in the next update!

Surveys on the way!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 11:52:42 PM

We are excited to announce that we have transferred all Backer pledges to our pledge management tool, BackerKit. We know that we have a lot of Backers who have not used Kickstarter or BackerKit before so we’ve included a thorough set of instructions and FAQ items below. 

But before a quick reminder about The legendary Hero Foil Card that we are giving as a gift for our repeating backers. In order to be able to claim it, you should at least buy a Fatum Dark Myths box as an add-on, or select any Pledge that includes at least one Dark Myths box!! We have 2 backers during our Smoke Test that fullfiled the survey without adding any item, but we had to cancel de survey, we can't send the card if you dont add at least one box (You have to earn the title of repeater backer! ;) )

Commissioners Backers, if you have not received an email from our creative artist, please contact us!

How do I get my invitation? You should receive an email from BackerKit with a link to your account that includes all your Backer information in it. Due to the large number of Backers, it will take a few days for ALL the emails to go out. Please be patient. (And don’t forget to check your spam folder.)

  • If you do not receive your BackerKit email by May 8, just go to this link, enter your Kickstarter (or Paypal) email address, and click on the "Get My Survey" button. You will be sent a new email with a link to your account.
  • If you use your Facebook login for your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey will be sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account.
  • If you have another email address that you would prefer to use, please contact BackerKit support at [email protected] and they'll get you sorted out.

Do I *Really* Need to Go to BackerKit?
Yes! All Backers must go to their BackerKit account to provide us all your shipping info and also you could manage your add-ons.

What If I Included Add-Ons during the campaign?
If you pledged  for Add-Ons, you will them already in your BackerKit shopping basket. 

Can I Upgrade My Pledge Level or Purchase Add-Ons?
Yes, you can upgrade your pledge level, purchase Add-Ons (and even send some extra support to the team). If you upgrade or purchase Add-Ons, you will need to input payment information in BackerKit - but you will not be charged until we “Lockdown” accounts on June 7. (If you chose to pay using PayPal you have to pay at the moment)

BackerKit Lockdown
We will “Lockdown” all BackerKit accounts on Monday, May 31th. When we hit the button to lockdown accounts, the following will happen:

  • You will no longer be able to make changes or additions to your account (except to update/change your shipping address.)

BackerKit FAQ

1. I didn’t get my BackerKit email invite. What do I do? The easiest thing to do is resend your invite to yourself! Just go here:, enter your Kickstarter (or Paypal) email address, and click on the "Get My Survey" button. You will be sent a new email with a link to your account.

2. I forgot my BackerKit password. How do I get it? Just go here:, enter your Kickstarter (or Paypal) email address, and click on the "Get My Survey" button. You will be sent a new email with a link to your account.

3. I want to sign back into, but I don’t remember the email I used for my account. How do I get it? It should be your Kickstarter (or Paypal) account email. If that doesn’t work, please email [email protected] and they will help you.

4. I have a question about BackerKit that isn’t covered here. What do I do? Head over to, or email the team directly at [email protected]. They’re happy to help!

5. Why do I have to use BackerKit again? The BackerKit folks are experts in streamlining the process of delivering crowd-funded rewards. Using their service allows our team to maintain focus on making a great game.

FATUM team

BackerKit surveys are coming 29th of April!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 03:59:48 AM

Yes! Soon, (in a couple of days) you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information to have a total count of items to send to production and is our system to get your shipping info for the future fullfillment.

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email!

As you can see we have respected the shipping cost table we put on the Kickstarter campaign, and if you add any item the total shipping costs will be recalculated with the new total.

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at

Quick Schedule:

1) 29th April: Start sending the surveys to backers

2) 31th May: Orders' locking

3) 7th June: Credit Cards charge

4) Locking shipping addresses: Once the games are in hands of our Fullfilments centers, some day    between October 2021 - March 2022

FATUM team

Smoke-Test on the Go!!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 04:12:30 AM

Hello dear Backers!

As some of you may have noticed, we have succesfully launched a smoke-test 5 hours ago!

104 Backers selected randomly from every pledge Tier and from different countries have received invitations to the Pledge Manager of Fatum Dark Myths!

At this very moment, 48% (50 Backers) have succesfully completed their orders, without a single support inquiries ;) so well, that's mean that you are fully expertised backers and it beigns to mean that we have built an stable and valid interface ^^

We are going to wait 3 full days on this smoke test phase, and if everything continues to work so fluid that today, we are gonna be ready to launch the surveys on thursday/friday.

Thanks for all the backers that having received this smoke-test without advertising, have completed it so fast and diligently!

Regards to everyone!

Be safe!