
Fatum, Dark Myths character creator deck

Created by Fatum Dark Myths - Last Call for Backers!

New beautiful illustrated deck for Fatum. Create your character in noir, modern, futuristic and alternatives role playing games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Project status report! - Post campaign update Nº7 - Dice approval, illustrated prints and Manufacturing Phase;)
over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 03:14:16 PM

Hello Everyone!

This could be probably our last update of August, we are finally going to enjoy a short and well-deserved vacation now that we have gotten the approval of all the components and have finally entered the manufacturing phase! but as told on the 6th update, everything continues to go fine ;)

Un the upper photos, you could see the final result of the dice, it is finally approved, we get the desired result on both colour, bright and size (Double the size of a "regular" dice!!), we are so happy with the result. 

Also we are so happy to announce that the prints are starting to get hand signed ;) You could see on the photo below our great friend and awesome illustrator Nereida signing one by one all the prints. She was in charge of make the awesome "Cosmic Horror" card, and we couldn't be happier with the result. 

 Yeah! that's a hard work signing all those prints!

Happy August to everyone! 

Project status report! - Post campaign update Nº6 - Collector's box , notebook and cards printing proofs
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 12:45:15 AM

Hello Everyone!

This is going to be a short update, just here to share with you all the new materials we have received from our manufacturers. We have in our hands the wet poofs of both cards and boxes, the firsts were of so much importance to us, because, we aim from the first steps to get cards of similar texture than the first Campaign, and we are so happy to say that test gone perfectly!

On the other hand, we have the new boxes with us, both core decks, and the astonishing Collector's Box ;). With these tests we think we have nailed both the fantasy and the Collector's Box, but this test also have given us the opportunity to check that the Dark Myths deck Foil need to be improved, we are going to change it to a lighter shade of purple, to achieve greater definition and enhancement of the foil details. 

Speaking of the Collector's Box, we are super excited to have it in our hands, it is beautiful, and it is just how we imagined it while designing it. 

Check it:

And what about this breathtaking notebook? It is beautiful with so many foil lines and details. Do not worry about the cards, as we have told you, those were printing proofs, just to check the colours and details, the final ones will be printed with round corners, just as our first campaign cards.

You can check that our choosen shade of purple have not the final effect we had in mind, this things happens ^^U, do not worry we are working with the manufacturer to solve that.

That's all for now, we have more images to share but that will be in our next update. 

Backerkit Remind

The vast majority of you have already closed your order using the Backerkit platform, but we want to launch an appeal to those 5% of you who have not yet closed it. Please, do not forget to visit your page and close the order as soon as possible. That will make it easier for all of us to plan the tasks when it is time to make the shipments.

Till the next update! Stay safe!

Project status report! - Post campaign update Nº5 - Playmat and coins prototypes
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 01:04:50 AM

Hello everyone!

Some time has passed since our last update, but as we told all of you, now we will take a little more time between each one. We know that you want to know how the project continues, and we inform you that everything continues at cruising speed. The graphic material is approved, the reservation of the production line is completed, and the prototypes continue to arrive, (some of them the final ones).

Above these lines you can check both the new cloth playmat of the Dark Myths deck, and the coin already printed in metal with a vintage copper finishing. We are very happy in general with the quality of the materials that we are receiving, you can be totally sure that we are putting all our best effort in achieving results as faithful as possible to all the initial designs. And believe us when we tell you that we are currently very happy with the result.

Some of you have asked if we could give an stimation of when we could start with the shipping proccess, but we are unable to give such info at this point. We could confirm that we are making all the project steps into the initial schedule planification timeline.

Backerkit Remind

The vast majority of you have already closed your order using the Backerkit platform, but we want to launch an appeal to those 6% of you who have not yet closed it. Please, do not forget to visit your page and close the order as soon as possible. That will make it easier for all of us to plan the tasks when it is time to make the shipments. 

We hope we could share with you more final prototypes photos soon,

till then, regards and as always, stay safe!

See you soon!

Project status report! - Post campaign update Nº4 - Fatum Fantasy App is live!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 03, 2021 at 01:14:15 AM

Hello Dear Backers!

Fatum Fantasy is finally on the Google Store!

Thank you to all the support we received trought the campaign, you unlocked the free Fatum fantasy App Stretch-Goal for every backer that purchase a Pledge containing the Collector's Box.  

Remember that, if you haven't pledged for a Collector's Box, you still have the opportunity to buy the app on the Google Store.

App Link:

In the following weeks and months, we are going to send the free codes for those backers, you have to be patient, it may took 2 or 3 months to send all the codes. We are going to send the codes into the emails your give us in Backerkit, remember to allow emails from [email protected] and [email protected] in your email configuration.

Those will be one use codes, so be sure to redeem on your desired Google account, using it you will get the Basic Fatum Fantasy App for free. Here is a quick redemption guide to help you on the proccess of using the code:

Right now the App languages options are English and Spanish, in the following updates we will bring support to German, Italian and French.

 Sorry about the Video Quality, we will upload some better ones! This one has been recorded from a 55" TV monitor ;)

Project Status:

We are fully inmersed into the realisation of prototypes, corrections and printing proofs. We are following the schedule as planned, so everything continues smooth ^^.

Thats all for now! 

Project status report! - Post campaign update Nº3 - A bunch of Big News!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 01:51:57 AM

Coin's 3D view
Coin's 3D view

Hello Everyone!

We really hope that everyone is safe and enjoying this days! It's the first time we are opening an update with a 3D Model, and WHAT A MODEL! 

We are going to explain some development points, and the status of the project this day:

  • We are happy to announce that everything is going smooth. It may appear that this days we are not making much improvement on the development proccess, but that's far from reality. We have been totally inmersed finishing all the print models, both for cards and Boxes, and also the 3D models for the coin. 
  • We have signed our contract with the manufacturer, and also we have delivered the agreed amount to reserve the time slot in the production queue. This gives us the security (and therefore to you) that the deadlines remain firm and realistic, we will continue working hard to try to reach the end of the year with all your rewards delivered.
  • The above images are the final appear for the coins, of course the physical ones will have a touch of antique copper ;) 
  • Now we are going with the dices, we have been looking for a supplier that could get us a particular dice texture. And we have found it! The dice, although they were presented in a marble black color, will have the same texture as the interior pattern of the deluxe box in the end.
Dice's color

And things get even hotter!  

We already have our fully functional draft blank dummy of the deluxe box! 

And it's identical as how we designed it! (Well...the truth is that the final one will be 7mm longer and 9mm taller, so not bad right?) We are very happy to be able to offer you the product as we envision and design it. We have worked hard with the manufacturer to offer a quality, solid and resistant product, very resistant indeed(you can see it in the images).

All the moving parts work great and although you can appreciate all the spaces, we still have to add the inserts that will go in the lower part, where the dice and the coin will be housed and will give us the spaces to store all the extra cards of the expansions ;)

Draft blank dummie (Functional prototype) of Box Collector and components
Draft blank dummie (Functional prototype) of Box Collector and components. Whitin the tray for dice and coin. They are being manufactured

Rulebooks and PDF P&P

We have started to upload the rulebooks to the digital rewards space on Backerkit. You should be able to see now the rulebooks of your purchased units (Dark Myths and Fantasy decks). The rulebook of the Fantasy deck as been revised and updated, correcting all the typos and errors of the previous version, included the big typo involving the card to draw in a Bond Slot, obviously is a Bond card, not an Event one...Shame on us!, BIIIIIIG Shame on us! ^^U 

Dark Myths rulebook are available on English, French and Spanish at this moment, but we will upload the Italian and German version in the next days

Remember: Only backers with their orders locked and correctly carged should be able to see the digital rewards!

We are also finishing the work on the P&P version of the products, and also we are preparing distribution rules to be able to send it to you directly trought Backerkit.  Backers of the campaign should receive the digital versions of their purchased copies for free.  Remember that if you are a Late Pledger, or a Pre-order client, you have to purchase the digital content as an add-on.

And that's all for now!! Lot of info, lot of lines to read and images to revise, having reached this point of development, we will surely take more time between update and update, now we will be working with the correctors during this month of June, outlining the last details of the files, and then we will be in the hands of the manufacturer. We will keep you informed and sharing with you any news that we receive. 

Have a great weekend! We'll see you  in the next update!